Vox Psychotherapy
Helping people to find their voice
Therapeutic offerings
When we connect for our sessions, I'll make sure I have your address correct, that your location is private, and that our tech is working okay. Please make sure your setting is relatively distraction free and that you're comfortable. Don't be worried if the first session or two is awkward; it takes time to develop comfort! Feel free to snack, have coffee, kick your feet up, have pets handy, etc. I am a pet-lover as well, and mine frequently shows up, so let me know if it bothers you
During this meeting, we will have the opportunity to cover the specific target areas you're wanting to focus on. We'll talk about your concerns, your goals, do a basic risk assessment, and I'll let you know whether I feel I can help or not. This is a chance for you to see if we mesh well. It's important that you feel comfortable with the person you're working with, so this is a great time to ask questions!
Consultations run 30 minutes, and do not take the place of therapy.
The intake session is where we start getting into the meat of the matter. We will discuss the personal history you will have filled out online and we'll get a chance to do a bit of processing related to the sore spots you're facing. This is your time to tell your story.
Intake sessions can run from 60 to 90 minutes. Please grab your coffee, make sure you're comfortable, and have enough privacy.
This will be the bulk of our ongoing work. Don't feel worried if the first couple of sessions feel awkward! That's totally normal and it gets better after a while. I may ask you to do free-writing assignments, experiments, or just to keep something in mind between our sessions. I am a strong believer that homework helps us learn new patterns during the other 167 hours of the week that we aren't talking. This can, of course, be adjusted depending on the individual. Different session lengths can be discussed as well, but bear in mind that insurance generally won't reimburse for nontraditional sessions.
50 minute session............$165
30 minute session..............$80